Love, Rainbow, Glitter

They were sitting on their hunkers next to the river. Around them, empty beer cans and cigarette butts. Like any proper teenage -don't-tell-dad- Saturday night out. We saw them on our way out of the metro. They said it was too early for the club we were seeking.

On our way back we came across the couple again. They were dancing in the street. Under the moon. They have a baby. The girl put on our faces tons of glitter. She works as a glitter performer, she said...

- And what does a "glitter performer" do?
- Oh, he goes to parties, has fun and puts some glitter on people... He makes the dance floor sparkle!

For a split second we thought we discovered our dream job.
And all of sudden we realised: we had just met the Glitter Fairy!

Have a sparkling weekend :)
Clemmie & Melroy


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