Post Valentine's :P

A post-Valentine's post? Am I for real? :)
Well it wasn't planned, but I had to show you the (hillllaaarious) video that ensured I had a painless pass through February the 14th as a single. Besides, that 50% off it mentions at the end sent me straight to the s/market today, I've stocked up enough heart-shaped chocolate to make it to the next v-day.

Oh and this is agnes b. special edition perrier bottle, thought it was cute but had no excuse to post it till...well, now. (speaking of agnes b. spring collection was quite cute)

Precious ring given to me with true love by friend and fellow blogger (as of today!) Clementine Melroy. Precious, 'cause to me it's emotionally charged. Otherwise it was bought at Jumbo (toy store).And the blog award goes to:Clemmie. Like I said, she only did her first post today but she's a like minded soul and I know this new blog is gonna be fabulous. Be nice now and say hi;)
*Clem dear, accept when ready. Instructions here.
(4 awards to go. what a tag!)
(coming up next...outfit details - the verdict:))


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