KOres (Greek for 'daughters' and not KorEs, as in the Greek cosmetics giant, Korres) is Yianna Karvela. Last TaS was the first time I ever came across her work but something tells me it won't be the last. It was all split into three categories, steel creations, rubber and liquid glass. Everything was handmade by her and it was not the complexity, but the simplicity of the designs that captured me. Dear objects like our childhood crayons, kites, hearts, jigsaw puzzle pieces and scissors were all there, miniature and detailed, turned into easy-to-wear accessories. Yianna blogs too so if you like what you see here, here's the source for more: http://kores3.blogspot.com/ .

Yianna is also good at staying in touch. She has just informed me of her next public showcasing, at Cabaret Voltaire's 'Bizarre Bazaar' - Sat 20th to Sun 21st of March. For info and directions, click on the images below.

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