Bloom & Blush

Sometimes i feel like an almond tree. I am not sure whether i am pink or white but I do certainly come in colors everywhere! I pop out like a messy immature totally impatient bride the entire wrong moments (...). Still, almond tree flowers are so lovable... so deliquate... so vulnerable. Despite all their psycho-blooming! So, even though, according to the myth an almond tree is a symbol of hope i prefer to feel, that an almond tree is the symbol of impatience! Just as mum used to say -when i took out of the closet my kindergarden summer dresses- the very first moment, i saw season's first almond tree blooming... :))
Spring is officially on her way people! :)

So, in this "blooming & blushing" context, i would like to thank my dear friend Alecca (Alecca Rocks!) for the unexpected fabulous blog award (dear me, a bit too early, don't you think?) I am afraid i have to admit, i did blush... (...) Alecca is one of my greatest inspirators... So now i have to come up with all these overexpectancy rumors, dearest she, has created in the ...neighbourhood! Happy to have met you all and thank you for your kind welcome notes - so sweet! I promise i will start my nominations asap!

From tomorrow and for a week i will be in London, so i promise to you (and to myself) i will discover every lilliputian hidden vintage shop in any upcoming -or not- district, eardrop London's Fashion Week gossip, spy Pete Doherty's cocaine adventures (well, not sure i can do that!) and ...keep you updated!

As a finale i would like to share with you this video, which i adore -well the song speaks for itself anyway- but Eve seems to be a lovely person inspired, as tagged, by her love of nice things. We too, gorgeous!
New post will be (only a bit!) late but bloom-y!
Clemmie x


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