a Kiehl's Thanks giving !

Lately I have to admit that I receive various invitations for events. Most of them are concentrated on the products and you just enter the room, photograph everything you're interested in, chat a little bit with the organizing and pr team and an hour later you leave the building full of pics, press releases and free goodies (oh-yes-here's-another-canvas-bag!). Don't get me wrong. I'm not implying that these events are boring at all! It's actually fun as you get to see familiar faces and most of the times, collections that aren't out yet!

All this intro is actually written because of a different invitation I received some days ago! A Thanksgiving dinner organized by Kiehl's cosmetics. Well, to be true the first thought was to say no as this blog is only fashion related and I wasn't sure I was the most appropriate person to write about beauty products. I mean I don't even use a facial moisturizer and my beauty case consists only of one make-up, one pencil, one eye shadow and one blush! You see?

The thought of the Thanksgiving dinner though was quite appealing! I have only seen Thanksgiving dinners in my favorite American teen movies and...well it sounded quite appealing!
So here I am at the lovely space of Ε.Δ.Ω. gallery where a large table was placed in one side! The art de la table was just amazing full of candles,pears, tree leaves, walnuts and chestnuts and I later realized that everyone invited was a blogger! (Mr Yatzer below)
The Out of the Box pr team and the Kiehl's people welcomed us in the warmest way and I felt comfortable from the very beginning! Also the idea of the stickers with our names and blogs on (see Thalia's sticker here) was just what we needed to start talking to each other as it was easier to remember the names and spot some blogs we were reading but never knew the blogger behind!
We then got introduced to the Kiehl's cosmetics, the philosophy of this brand (the minimum of conservatives, ecological packaging and no animal testing) and the people who work there. They all sounded so happy for being involved with Kiehl's that all this positive energy was transmitted to us and I was actually convinced of trying these products (yes, little Haritini will start using her Creme de Corp daily from now on). Then the -biological- turkey and the cranberry sauce were served and the dinner started with us chitchatting with each other!
And this is how I spent my first-ever Thanksgiving night! Thank you Kiehl's!


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