It's only a few hours before Ooh! La! La! kicks off and yesterday was a good day to pay rehearsals a visit. I tell you this bar comedy is avenging all childhood fairytales that hunted your adult life with their perfect happy endings. Sleeping Beauty waited too long for prince charming to find her and blow that kiss and now he's marrying someone else. Hell, I knew it all along, nothing good could come out of so much sleep! Snow White and Cinderella get the treatment too. Nevertheless, it all resumes to an ending that's, well, happy!

Writer: Yannis Vlachoyannis
Direction: Yannis Vlachoyannis – Marios Karavasilis
Music Direction: Mion
Choreography: Marios Karavasilis
Costumes: Celebrity Skin
Photography: Fenia Lambropoulou
Hair: Mod’s Hair
Make-up: Maro Kokoni
Marios Karavasilis
Nina Papanikolaou
Varvara Karanikola
Yannis Vlachoyannis
Narration: Iliana Emma
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