Yet for another season, this blog will be the exclusive communications space for ever so thatrical design duo Celebrity Skin. Daily updates on the preparation process, latest news and secrets of the show will be revealed in future posting storm, topped by a smashing competition coming soon. Watch this space.
In the meantime, I am informing you that the show date and time have just been confirmed. Mark your agenda for October 25th, 18.30, at the usual AXDW venue (Megaron Ethnikis, Syggrou).
Aaaand, starting it all with a giveaway: 10 double invites to the show are waiting for you. Email me now at aleccarox (at) windowslive (dot) com, subject 'Celebrity', for a chance to win yours (ends October 19th). Rumor has it it's gonna be a lot of celeb factor on the catwalk...
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