It's going to be dramatic alright, with theatrical signature shapes revisited and applied on wool and synthetic fabrics, styled with saturated add-ons, all in disciplined shades of black and ash grey.
Scheduled to begin with a fashion film of approximately 6 minutes by Nectarios Karolos Papazacharias, starring 10 models as well as Eleonora Zouganeli, Ada Livitsanou, Isaia Matiaba, Penelope Anastasopoulou and Alexis Foukos. It's meant to be a visualization of Sinead O'Connor's song 'Troy', featuring people that pose a source of inspiration to designer duo Dimitris Strepkos and Eleni Barla for being "effortless style icons".

More on the show, soon to follow. Till then, here's the chance to attend:
This blog and Celebrity Skin offer 5 lucky readers the chance to be there.
5 double invites are up for grabs! Interested?
Email me at aleccarox[at]windowslive[dot]com, stating your name and contact number, subject: CELEB.
*Givaway ends this coming Saturday, March 19th, at midnight - winner will be notified shortly after*
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