I'm rather sleep-deprived today, due to a morning battle with Greek bureaucracy in downtown Athens, and therefore unable to put words together in a manner that makes sense, so I'll just quote the Hellenic American Union post:
Beyond Dress Codes is a thematic exhibition with sketches of traditional Greek costumes by sketch artist Gissis Papageorgiou that also features creations by Greek and foreign fashion designers.

The exhibition presents colored drawings of traditional Greek dress and headdresses from all over Greece by sketch artist Gissis Papageorgiou, which constitute the most extensive and possibly most complete inventory of traditional Greek dress to date.

In an attempt to create a “dialogue” between traditional Greek dress and contemporary fashion, creations by Jean-Paul Gaultier and John Galliano will be on show, as well as by other distinguished Greek fashion designers such as Angelos Bratis, Dimitris Dassios, Deux Hommes, Yiorgos Eleftheriades, Ioannis Guia, Sofia Kokosalaki, Thanos Kyriakides, Mastori*Motwary, MiRo, Orsalia Parthenis.

Beyond Dress Codes demonstrates that traditional Greek costume should not be regarded as the antiquated contents of museum showcases, but instead a creation of timeless interest that continues to serve as a source of inspiration.

Curator of the exhibition is fashion historian Lydia Kamitsis.
The exhibition will be open from Monday, September 27th to Wednesday, September 27th 2010 (weekdays 12:00-21:00, Saturdays 10:30-14:30, Sundays closed) at the Hellenic American Union Galleries, 22 Massalias str, Athens and the admission is free. You'd be a fool to miss it.

Oh, and the opening is tonight. Hope to see you there!


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