Fashion or just clothes?

Anonymous left this quite interesting comment the other day, under my recent outfit post:
I am actually a frequent visitor of your blog, so allow me to say something to you, totally without any bad feelings. (After all, I put some time in writing it) Could you please explain to me how a simple "blouse-skirt-ballet flats" outfit can turn into something worth-posting? I am a big fun of chic and simple but this is just so indifferent. I understand that fashion bloggers need to support each other, that's why usually i don't take all the thumbs up comments on your posts too seriously. I am from Greece too. So, here in Greece where we all walk around the streets or even abroad, your today's outfit is nothing that we haven't repeatedly seen. I don't say that your outfit sucks, but at least someone has to say the obvious: IT'S NO BIG DEAL! And i am concerned that you seem to think the opposite! So, dear lopi, as a fellow architect allow me a piece of advice. Give your fellow readers something more lopi! Please… everyone can wear a blouse and a skirt without much of an effort!
Dear anonymous, you're right. The outfit was indeed simple as scratch. Something I just threw on in the morning to drag my ass to work. Just like many other outfits presented here on the blog. I don't think it's indifferent, just a very simplified yet cute way of dressing. I never suggested it was anything more than than that, something fashion-forward or ground-breaking.

Then why did I post about it?
You see, this is a personal style blog that just documents my reality. And I admit that, at times, my reality can be quite boring for some people out there. I'm no Susie Bubble folks. Most of the time I simply wear a skirt, a top and a pair of flats and just get done with it. Sometimes the result happens to be a bit more interesting, sometimes it's quite plain. But I blog it nevertheless, probably because I think it looks nice enough and most importantly because the personal style part of this blog (as opposed to the fashion & architecture part) is mostly about documenting my outfits and new buys. Is that so bad?

I could never do the opposite thing, dedicate time to wear clothes in order to take pictures for the blog. If I did that, some quite intriguing outfits would emerge, that's for sure. Believe me, I can do quirky. And I quite enjoy some fashion blogs that are based on that concept, as they are quite inspirational in all their experimental glory. But do I want to play dress-up in front of my camera just to post some pics here and have you swoon all over them in the comments? No. Not if it's not what I really wore that day. That's just not me.

I like to keep things real here.
Yes, I have indeed wore some more intriguing outfits in the past and I quite enjoyed it. And I'm sure I will do that again in the future. I do understand how my Anonymous reader wishes to see more of that kind of dressing. Blogs are an amazing source of inspiration and I'm sure that's what many people expect out of me, provide a constant stream of inspiration. But I'm no magazine. I don't do all this professionally. I go through periods when I have nothing new to say fashion-wise, I just get dressed and document it. And all of you wishing to see something more than that and to be inspired from my outfits, I'm afraid you might have wait until the heat wave cools down or until I get hit with a sudden rush of fashion inspiration.

So bear with me and keep checking back until you see something you like. Or not, this is a free world. There are many other more experimental fashion blogs out there that I'm sure you'll enjoy reading. Many of them are already on my blogroll on the right.

Remember, sometimes we don't do fashion, we just wear clothes. And that's not necessarily a bad thing.


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