All about Ippolito!

I firstly came familiar with the Ippolito brand, some months ago while visiting Tell a Story! There, I met Paulina, we had a small chat and she informed me that she would soon open a shop of her own!
Almost four months have passed since that first meeting and when I finally heard about the opening I was more than enthusiastic to go and visit it!

Well...I immediately loved it! It is located in Plaka and you will recognize it by the two bougainvilleas right outside the door! Then inside you'll meet Paulina's three lovely dogs and also gasp with all those beautiful bags lying around in old fashioned tables or hung from metallic lamps!
...BUT my obsessions were no other than the bags you get to see in the above shown pictures!

They come in two designs the "Goatnut" and the "Fig Bebe" and you wear them like necklaces! Goodbye thoughts like "Ohh I'm going to see Jerry Lee Lewis but I don't know where to have my money and cellphone so I'm going to take a bag...!" Isn't this idea just brilliant?

The good news are that I could actually...share the secret and inform even more people about this little treasure! I took pictures of the shop and you can have a look at Ermoumag as Ippolito is the featured Shop of this Week! Well deserved Ippolito, well deserved!!!!

p.s. don't forget to leave a message under the ermoumag post, as I already envy you for the possibility of winning that gorgeous belt-bag!


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