Sunday Shoot

In photography, I guess the ideal situation is when you have a concept and then the right objects and space to reflect it come your way. This was the case with Petros Hatzianastasiou's shoot 'CHOICE', inspired by the challenging movie quote "it is easier to put out the light within you than to enlighten the darkness around you".

Dresses: Evangelos Kavathas a/w 10
Hair Stylist: Tzako InBerlin
Make-up: Konstantina Karaouli
Model: Niki Ermi
Location: InBerlin hair salon
Hatzianastasiou explains: "I've been wanting to create a bright image with a dark character. Seeing Kavathas' pure, white dresses in his latest show I felt they were the perfect subject.

Model Niki Ermi was no random choice either. She can do the strict body lines I was looking for and at the same time a disturbed face expression with an almost evil look, directly contrasting with the semiologic innocense of the white dresses.

The basement of InBerlin hair salon has the mininal, industrial character I was looking for, with the steal staircase offering great shots opportunities for my angelic character to rise and fall, adding to the effect of whether she's spreading light or it's darkness closing in on her.

Tzako P. created the perfect hair with Eosforus' spiral horns dark connotations.

The only shot deviating from purity is the one in the burgundy red dress, where Ermi's look becomes fierce, implying that maybe it really is easier to put out the light within you than to enlighten the darkness around you".
Behind the scenes preparation shots. Ermi is already practicing some strong, disturbed expressions. That was even before her brand new Prada shoes (featured in the shoot) got injured in action. To everybody's relief, they were later on rescued by a local cobbler who in a way, prevailed the evil's did of the day.


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