Yorgos Yerardos on being a photographer

You'd think that a 'fashion blogger' loves to have her picture taken. Well, not me.
(photo: Yorgos Yerardos)
Unless it's for my camera's timer, I feel uncomfortable. I was under a lot of stress when going to do the shoot for this interview. Meeting photographer Yorgos Yerardos at his studio was pure joy though. In high spirits, very friendly and patient, he made the whole experience fun like it should be.

That's most likely a result of his 18-year experience, with subjects from model Vicky Kayia to convict Rohamis, Lakis Lazopoulos to Gilbert and George, Kostantinos Rigos as well as many actors, athletes, and politicians. What blew my mind though, is his underwater photography, which he sees as a hobby. Enjoy the images as he goes on answering my questions:

How did you first get involved with photography?
It all started in my early teens, during a power black-out and whilst reading a book on photography in candlelight. You could say that the lack of light was what led me to photography.

Which is the hardest and which your favourite part in this job?
The hardest part is to find the much needed inspiration in the every day business routine . My favourite part is always having to deal with something different.

What makes an editorial successful in the eyes of a photographer?
For a photographer, the successful editorial is the one that in the end reflects his personal aesthetics' perception and style.
What is the funniest/strangest task you had to pull through?
A funny incident I recall is shooting a fashion editorial in London’s Hyde Park, without the permission of the park’s management. We were supposed to hand in the images by evening and there was no time to apply for one. Having no other choice, we shot very fast at one part of the park till the guards realised and escorted us to one of the exits and then we would go back in from a different entrance and repeat the process till the shoot was a wrap!
Which advice would you give to someone who has difficulties posing? How do you ‘save’ such a shoot?
Very often the subject finds it hard and ‘freezes’. At that point it is important that I break the ice in order to get the images I want. A joke, a short pause for a chat and exchanging roles are tricks that always succeed in making the other person relax and be himself.

(and a spontaneous one:
How on earth did you make 'Nemo' relax and look straight into the camera?!
[laughs] Well when it comes to fish, it's you who has to be relaxed and very patient.)

Yorgos Yerardos' impressive portfolio is here, including portraits, still life, food & interiors, people you know and some you'd like to meet.


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