So, this is what I wore to the Fashion Playground party. One of the rare occasions I wear jeans, but I think I might have to reconsider my ways...
These look goooood!
Levi's kindly gave us bloggers each a piece of denim to wear that night. In the pic above you can see the jeans-clad derrières of yours truly and Elena of Life Full of Fashion, captured on Elena's camera by pro photographer Alkisti of Streetgeist.

What else did I wear except for my new Levi's skinnies? Well, we knew we would have to spend a lot of time outdoors, so I layered four different knits (my De*Nada Eternal Knit looped scarf, an old mustard Pull&Bear cardi and my grandma's black knitted shawl, plus my Stefanel knit bangle) over a simple white t-shirt.
Jeans and a white t-shirt, that's what they say, right?

My dearest Elena also took the above photo of my red-heeled Chie Mihara t-bars, which I wore with white polka dot red socks. This pairing actually happened in the last possible minute, because I couldn't find any plain red socks (ha, that's a solid reason to go shopping, me thinks) so I decided to go with the spotty ones I already had.
Unexpected but cute, no?
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