Quick, before I disappear again...

Sorry for going AWOL for so many days now, but I've been all over the place here in Greece. I left Samos one week ago to celebrate along with friends who got their architecture degree in Volos (my time WILL come too) and then I've been keeping busy here in Athens. I managed to get some shopping done before all that, but I can only give you a small preview, as I haven't been able to shoot proper pictures of my new buys, except for this one:

Trying to get back to my preppy roots, with this red strippy polo shirt from H&M.

And that's about it for now.

But don't worry, I saved the best for the end... I'm going to Amsterdam with my sister and friend Litsa tommorow! I'll be there for one week, and hopefully I'll try to do a couple of updates while I'm there, in an attempt for you to forgive me for being so lazy these past couple of weeks...


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