Glamour Magazine interview

Some days ago, i got a mail from Amalia Agathou-Glamour magazine's editor, asking me to participate in the article she is doing on the Greek fashion blog scene! I was so honored to be one of the 5 blogger featured! She email me the questions and yesterday was the big day of the photo shoot which i must confess is a quite awkward experience in the beginning if you are not the Gisele-Naomi-Kate Moss type of girl! Luckily our photographer Lefteris made me relax, smile more and show some "teeth" !!
In the photo you see me on the right,Amalia Agathou and Alecca Rox on the left. After the photo shoot we headed upstairs to the Glamour offices and then for a coffee and an interesting chat on blogs and fashion!
Unfortunately Lopi from Fashion Architect, Queen B and Streetgeist Aris and Alcistis were already gone but you will be able to see us all on the June issue of Glamour!


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