dash of glam

( I was saving this for later but what the heck!)

Yesterday five of us had a shoot at Glamour mag's studios for a piece dear Amalia Agathou (centre) is putting together about Greek fash-bloggers. I had the pleasure of meeting in flesh Katerina B. from Queen B. (my neighbour as it turns out) and Hari from The Soho Symposium (pictured right - had quite a chat on blogging issues after the shoot). Lopi from Fashion Architect and Alkistis & Aris from Streetgeist were somewhere in the building too but it wasn't meant to be (I guess I'm kinda used to it with Lopi:))

I must say, posing for someone is a zillion times harder than doing so for your own timer. Lefteris, the photographer, teased me on voicing that and suggested he left the room till I was done (he did not). It was quite an issue for me whether I'd pose full face or not. As you may have noticed, I've never done it in this blog, it's kind of a Rox policy. (to be continued...)

*Great to have met everyone, thanks Glamour for turning the spolight on fash-blogging*


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