Fox Fair Finds - Cacao Rocks

Cacao Rocks is Jason Megoulas. I find what he says as interesting as the stuff he makes. Check it out.

Alecca: What does 'Cacao Rocks' mean?
Jason: Cacao Rocks means exactly that: cocoa kicks a**... it means being in a good mood from dusk till dawn. It means lots of colours, tropicalia with rock n roll, git it? How did I choose it? Hmmm, one morning, D'A
rcy Foxx asked me how I'm going to call what I make and it was the first thing that came to my mind... I'd just finished drinking my cocoa ... lol. Sounds good though, huh?

A:What do you make and how long does each item take you?
J: I'm mainly into sculpture, but you are probably more interested in my accessories, even though I view my accessories as works of art too. Each one is unique. I use various materials, from wool and textiles to chains and toys. I try to combine the nu-rave with the industrial aesthetics, using some pop elements.

How long do they take to make? I don't know. To make a small necklace it will take 2 or 3 times of listening to Bjork's “Volta”... But it may take me months too as I'll be looking for artifacts to add. The dolls take up to 2 days. The hardest part is to come up with the idea. I never make the same thing twice..

A: When and how did you start?
J: Since i can remember myself -typical!... my dad is a sculptor and a designer... since I was little, I was always in his way... later on in high school, I started making necklaces for friends and a bit later clothes for me, as I couldn't find anything I liked in the stores... Now it has become my psychosis... I wake up in the morning and ask myself “What are we going to make today?”

A: Which audience would you like to see wearing them?
J: I think it's the audience that choses and not the creators... To meet someone who is wearing something I made, is the best reward for me...

A: Where can you find Cacao Rocks items?
J: You can find what I make at The Fox Fair, at Teeter Totter, and by contacting me directly at and


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