Influential, moi?

I know I'm kind of late to post it (Elena was waaay quicker) but if you haven't heard about it yet, here are the news:
Last Thursday, the weekly Athens free press LIFO published a feature titled Most Influentials 2009. And greek fashion blogs got a special mention!

If you can read greek, here is the article. You can also download the whole issue of LIFO in PDF here. However, I am aware of the fact that it's all greek to many of you, so here is the intro by M.Hulot, the writer of this feature, translated to english:
Athens may be no New York, London or Berlin, but all that is happening quietly and far away from the public eye, is actually great and can fairly compete with what is happening internationally. There are hundreds of talented musicians, artists, designers, groups that dream of changing things and that are currently planning this city's future, in every way possible. They may not be faces that one will recognise from their TV screen, but they stood out from the crowd because of their accomplishments in 2008. And the new year is looking pretty great for them too...
Well, thanks!

And here's the part where they write about the fashion blogs:
It was a matter of time before fashion blogs became of fashion in Athens. They are personal fashion diaries - written mainly by girls - that feature photos and stories of endless shopping sprees, trends, fabrics, heels and other similar obscurities. In them, one can find interesting thoughts on style as well as imaginative styling tips. Girls next door who document trends and their personal taste by photographing themselves. These are the ones that stood out: An architecture student who photographs her outfits before going out at night. Her blog is written in english. Alkisti and Aris photograph interestingly dressed boys and girls they encounter on the street, creating an original "street fashion". Lucia photographs what she wears and what she wishes to have, while keeping an eye on the international catwalks. The first greek fashion blog. She observes international trends, states her opinion on celebrity style and also features beauty tips. Elena's style adventures, with photos of her in different outfits and occasions. Chloe likes to experiment with her personal style and documents her tries with pictures.

Now, I have to say that as much as I appreciate the mention in such a big publication, I got the feeling that whoever wrote the part about fashion blogs wasn't exactly familiarised with our blogs... I mean, I really don't think I mainly post going-out outfits. But, I'm willing to overlook that minor observation.

Thanks LIFO, for acknowledging we exist!
And here's to an equally great 2009 for everyone mentioned!

*** I just noticed this is my 200th post. Great way to celebrate, no? ***


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