Online snooping and shopping

I have been struggling with my conscience about buying these shoes or not for a while now. Maybe for too long as it seems, because now the link for them is DEAD! Well, thank you internet, lesson well learned.I also have to find a way to keep track of where all those pictures of cute stuff I keep saving in my hard disc come from. I had found this dress sometime around early April in a blog. I drooled over the picture on a regular basis, but couldn't remember where it came from, even with lots of banging my head on the wall, singing the mantra "must find dress, must find dress".
Well, I guess the world-wide-web isn't that wide after all, cause I stumbled upon it again yesterday! In an online shop. In my size. On a 50% discount! The only catch is that the shipping terms state that "We are unable to ship out of the continental US currently, but may make exceptions on request and on a case by case basis. Please contact us before placing an order. " So, I sent an email and I am currently waiting for the answer. Well, if they are unable to ship to Greece, maybe I can comfort myself with the fact that the dress is a poly/rayon/lycra blend, which I am not so excited about and so it wasn't good enough for me after all. But, you know. Who am I kidding?


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