While E.Y.E.S. prepare to safely transport the worlds monsters to a far off planet where they will no longer be troubled by humans an army of giant alien robots, called Gloker Pawns appear to stop the project. Ultraman Cosmos arrives in time to temporarily stop the attack when Ultraman Justice enters the battle aiding the alien invaders. Cosmos is defeated by Justice and the Aliens destroy the spacecraft that were to be used as transports for the monsters. It becomes apparent that these aliens don't want Earth's species to leave the planet.
With Cosmos out of the way the invaders begin an onslaught against the Earth's major cities. Every attack is witnessed by a mysterious woman in black who shows no emotion and no desire to interact with any of the victims. Without Cosmos the world is defenseless.
http://www.easy-share.com/1914980569/Ultraman Cosmos vs Ultraman Justice .avi.002
http://www.easy-share.com/1914980570/Ultraman Cosmos vs Ultraman Justice .avi.003
http://www.easy-share.com/1914980572/Ultraman Cosmos vs Ultraman Justice .avi.004
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http://www.easy-share.com/1914980574/Ultraman Cosmos vs Ultraman Justice .avi.006
http://www.easy-share.com/1914980558/Ultraman Cosmos vs Ultraman Justice .avi.007
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