A plane crashes in the Amazon rainforest, leaving young Daisuke Yamamoto stranded without his parents. Soon adopted by a native tribe, Daisuke becomes a modern day Tarzan, living off the land. However, Daisuke's idyllic existence is cut short when Gorgos, the Ten Faced Demon, massacres his village, slaughtering everyone except himself. Gorgos is seeking the powerful "GiGi Bracelet", which gives the bearer fantastic power. A witch doctor in the village, sensing the trouble, retrieves the bracelet and gives it to Daisuke for safekeeping. He then uses his knowledge of Incan science and magic to perform a mystical "operation" on Daisuke, transforming him into the powerful "Kamen Rider Amazon". Daisuke then travels to Japan, where he meets a professor who knew his father. Soon, the minions of Gorgos catch up to Daisuke, murdering the professor. During the process, Daisuke saves a young boy named Masahiko, who obliges to teach Amazon (as Masahiko dubs Daisuke) the ways of the world. Amazon soon receives the "Jungler", his motorcycle. Amazon also partners up with the Mole Beastman, a former henchman of Gorgos, after Amazon rescues him from execution. Together, the two of them face off against Gorgos himself, eventually destroying him in an atomic blast. However, the "GaGa Bracelet", the counterpart of the GiGi, then falls into the hands of the Garanda Empire, led by the ruthless Great Emperor Zero. Amazon continues his fight against evil, eventually toppling the Garanda Empire and retrieving both bracelets. His mission now complete, Amazon ventures off to travel the world.
- Person? Wild Animal? The Cool Guy Who Came From the Jungle!
- Ten-Faced Demon! God? Devil?
- The Strong, Naked, Fast Guy!
- Run! The Angry Jungler
- The Weirdo Who Came From Underground!!
- The Riddle of the Inca Rope-Pattern Writing!!
- Melt! Melt! The Terrible Snake Beastman
- The Crocodile Beastman Who Attacked the School
- Go, Amazon! To the Island of Crab Beastman!
- Black Cat Beastman Aiming at the Nursery School!
- The Golden Snail is the Grim Reaper's Envoy!?
- Seen! Geddon's Beastman Modification Room
- Approaching! Ten-Faced Demon! Danger, Amazon!!
- The Ten-Faced Demon Dies! And a New Enemy?
- He Came Forth! The Terrible Great Emperor Zero
- Garander's Tokyo Sea of Fire Operation!!
- Mt. Fuji Big Explosion? The Tokyo Fry Pan Operation
- Fear of Zero! The Massive Earthquake Operation!!
- Going into Action, The Garander Boys' Squad
- Mole Beastman's Last Activity!!
- Cannibal Beastman to Eat the Frozen Rider
- Inca Doll's Day to Annihilate Greater Tokyo
- Imitation Riders vs. Amazon Rider!
- You Did It, Amazon!! The End of Great Emperor Zero!!
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