Examurai Sengoku

Title : Examrai Sengoku

Japanese Title : エグザムライ戦国

Official Site : http://www.ntv.co.jp/exile/sengoku/

Category : TV

Total Episodes : -

Genres : Action, Historical Settings

Year Published : 2009

Release Date : 2009-01-10

Broadcaster : -

Studio : -

US Distribution : -

The Examurai Sengoku anime production depicts the members of the EXILE group as futuristic samurai that are transported back in time to Japan's sengoku (warring states) period. The anime character renditions of the EXILE members were designed by manga creator Hiroshi Takahashi (Crows, Worst).

Episode 01 : Rapidshare | Megaupload

Episode 02 : Rapidshare | Megaupload

Episode 03 : Rapidshare | Megaupload

Episode 04 : Rapidshare | Megaupload


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