Eureka Seven

An aeon has passed since human beings were driven from the Earth. After much searching for a place to live in peace, they finally discovered the Land of the Covenant. It was a desolate planet; its surface covered by a substance similar to coral, and a hitherto unknown ion called Traver filled the air. They settled upon this planet, and built huge towers in order to use Traver effectively. Under these towers, countries were established, and the United States of the Towers was founded to unify them.

Several hundreds years have passed since then. Renton is a boy who lives with his grandfather in the Tower Country Belforest. He has one major complaint about his life. As the son of the great hero Adrock, who saved the world from the disaster known as the Summer of Love at the cost of his own life, Renton shoulders a burden trying to live up to this name. Furthermore, his grandfather is a mechanic and expects Renton to take over the family business.

His only mental escape is Liff, a sport where one glides through the Traver. Renton yearns to follow in the footsteps of Holland, a charismatic Liff Rider, and to travel around gliding like him, believing that a big wave of change will come to him some day.

Episode 01

Episode 02

Episode 03

Episode 04

Episode 05

Episode 06

Episode 07

Episode 08

Episode 09

Episode 10

Episode 11

Episode 12

Episode 13

Episode 14

Episode 15

Episode 16

Episode 17

Episode 18

Episode 19

Episode 20

Episode 21

Episode 22

Episode 23

Episode 24

Episode 25

Episode 26

Episode 27

Episode 28

Episode 29

Episode 30

Episode 31

Episode 32

Episode 33

Episode 34

Episode 35

Episode 36

Episode 37

Episode 38

Episode 39

Episode 40

Episode 41

Episode 42

Episode 43

Episode 44

Episode 45

Episode 46

Episode 47

Episode 48

Episode 49

Episode 50


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