
Title : 07-GHOST

Japanese Title : 07-GHOST

Official Site : -

Category : TV

Total Episodes : -

Genres : Fantasy

Year Published : 2009

Release Date : 2009-04-06

Broadcaster : -

Studio : -

US Distribution : -

Set in a gothic fantasy world, this is the story of Teito Klein, an orphaned slave who became the top military academy student. However, an unexpected turn of events left him pursued by the forces of the Barsburg Empire. Now an escaping convict, Teito's sheltered by the church and it's law of sanctuary. Here, he discovered many mysteries surrounding himself, the church, and the Empire itself. The fact that he might be connected to a dethroned king and the mystical stone of god, 'The Eye of Mikhael' made him the target of the empire more than ever. Fortunately the church is under the mythical 7 Ghost protection. But who are the Ghosts really. Will Teito be free from the military's clutch, And what of his said mission to uncover the history. And who is the military's Chief-of-Staff Ayanami exactly. Teito's future seems to have spiraled into an unexpectedly perilous path.

Episode 01 : Megaupload

Episode 02 : Megaupload

Episode 03 : Megaupload

Episode 04 : Megaupload

Episode 05 : Megaupload

Episode 06 : Megaupload

Episode 07 : Megaupload

Episode 08 : Megaupload

Episode 09 : Megaupload

Episode 10 : Megaupload

Episode 11 : Megaupload

Episode 12 : Megaupload

Episode 13 : Megaupload

Episode 14 : Megaupload

Episode 15 : Megaupload

Episode 16 : Megaupload

Episode 17 : Megaupload

Episode 18 : Megaupload

Episode 19 : Megaupload

Episode 20 : Megaupload

Episode 21 : Megaupload

Episode 22 : Megaupload

Episode 23 : Megaupload

Episode 24 : Megaupload

Episode 25 : Megaupload

Episode 26 : Megaupload


Size : ~55 mb

Codec : x264

Bitrate : 275


LQ for those who dont have good speed connection for download. If you have problem playing our video, please post it at forum. Our main link is Megaupload so we dont reupload for mirror's link.

Episode 01 : Mediafire | Megaupload

Episode 02 : Mediafire | Megaupload

Episode 03 : Mediafire | Megaupload

Episode 04 : Rapidshare | iFile | Megaupload

Episode 05 : Mediafire | Megaupload

Episode 06 : Mediafire | Megaupload

Episode 07 : Mediafire | Megaupload

Episode 08 : Mediafire | Megaupload

Episode 09 : Mediafire | Megaupload

Episode 10 : Mediafire | Megaupload

Episode 11 : Mediafire | Megaupload

Episode 12 : Mediafire | Megaupload

Episode 13 : Mediafire | Megaupload

Episode 14 : Mediafire | Megaupload

Episode 15 : Mediafire | Megaupload

Episode 16 : Mediafire | Megaupload

Episode 17 : Mediafire | Megaupload

Episode 18 : Mediafire | Megaupload

Episode 19 : Mediafire | Megaupload

Episode 20 : Mediafire | Megaupload

Episode 21 : Mediafire | Megaupload

Episode 22 : Mediafire | Megaupload

Episode 23 : Mediafire | Megaupload

Episode 24 : Mediafire | Megaupload

Episode 25 : Mediafire | Megaupload

Episode 26 : Mediafire | Megaupload


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