The advert gives you a clue about what you have to do:
Let’s say you are looking for the lost classic copy of Pulse & Thunder, a vintage piece of 90s dance history by Day V Lately. Save yourself the legwork: utilising the Yell App (for Android or iPhone) – or – locate an independent music shop near you and the record could soon be in your hands.
Speaking of which, limited copies of DJ Day V Lately’s trance mix of the record produced in the early 90s have been scattered especially, at independent music stores for you to dig out and snap a photo with. That’s all it takes to enter the competition and win the prizes! Treasure hunt anyone? Say ‘cheese’.
A creative, fun campaign, well tuned with the ‘90s music revival we are currently undergoing. Hunting down rare records is only one example of what can do. What blew my mind is ShopView. Any business in Britain can now put a video on for free, so customers can have a look around inside and meet the staff.
Can’t wait for a tour inside small boutiques, locating vintage dresses, indie accessories and other objects of my desire - which are mostly rare. I guess winning £10,000 would help in bringing them home. Make my day, Day V Lately!
*competition entries begin on February 26th, more info here
** Pulse & Thunder on i-tunes

Golden Ticket
Pulse & Thunder
Day V Lately
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