These pets know fashion

They were born to do the catwalk and they are style watchdogs by nature. Here are some precious pets that know fashion best!
Avant Garde - Dimitris Strepkos cat and face of Celebrity Skin. Adores to be styled and Celebrity Skin adore to style her. Their atelier is her playground.
Oscar - Celebrity make-up artist Thanos Molos' dog. Very well behaved, watches Thanos do his magic with love and admiration. Pretty sure he'd only bark at the sight of bad make-up.
Cohen - One of Pavlina Papailiopoulou's 'babies', keeping her company every step of the Ippolito bags design process. He recently posed next to her for Vimadonna magazine, proud of her great collection.
Jarvis - Pavlina Papailiopoulou's second 'boy', who's actually looking for a bride these days. Click on link for details as well as example of the ideal mate! He's had his share of publicity too, on the pages of Lifo free press.
Nila - Zoe K.'s aka Stripes'n'Buttons sweetheart, featuring a Stripes'n'Buttons fleece cloak made especially for her. Friendly and cuddly with heart-breaking 'puppy eyes' ability when next to the dinner table.
Mushi - Responsible for one half of designer duo Akira Mushi's name, who I once managed to introduce to you as a cat(!) Guards owner Anna Petrides and the collection with his life.
Aleksandros - Found his way to headquarters as a puppy and never left. Even though he knows exciting stuff is going on inside, he is very discreet and never walks in. Afterall the team who love him to bits made him his own house and often take breaks to go out and play with him. Keeps suggesting they should add pet gadgets to their catalogue.
Miu - ok Miu is mine. Apart from adoring herself in the mirror she's also got a thing for shoes. Likes noisy shopping bags. Usually wears real fur (her own of course). Moulimon - Miu's offspring which I just couldn't let go of. She's one for real fur too. Eats broccoli. Appreciates my knitting:)

NOTE: Never ever make your pet wear something it's not happy with. Some of the pets in this post grew up between fabrics and strings and actually like to be wrapped in them. This doesn't mean they perceive fashion they way we do, so ...ask them first!


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