
This is my personal Korres make-up artillery.

Along with liquid eyeliner - which Korres doesn't carry - these are my few absolute essentials.
I feel compelled to confess a couple of things though.

First, if you have been reading my blog for a while, you probably know that I'm not really a cosmetics person. I mean, half the time I leave the house completely bare-faced (today is one of those days actually), I skip the make-up section in magazines and I really find cosmetics stores claustrophobic. Hell, I never even paint my nails. All that doesn't mean I hate make-up. I just don't feel compelled to use it all the time and I treat shopping for it the exact opposite way I treat shopping for clothes and shoes, meaning I use very few things and only replace them when they run out. Generally the things I use the most are compact powder and mascara. These last couple of years, I have also taken on using blush and I have replaced eye pencil with liquid eyeliner, as I find the clean-cut cat's eyes line more appealing than the smokey effect of smudgy kohl. However, when I find a soft pencil in a shade as great as this blue petrol above, I give in.

Second, I'm sure many of you are wondering "why an all-Korres make-up bag"? Here is the part where I must admit I actually didn't pay for all these. My mum is a pharmacist and I shamelessly take advantage of that. And I know that's probably a waste of resources for a person who's not that into make-up. Life is unfair, what can I say?


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