Fashion virals jumped the shark?

The fashion viral post category here in the blog is starting to get really crowded. Google, Intel, GHD, Chie Mihara are just the few favourites I chose to feature in the past, but there are tons more going around in the interwebz, like Karl Lagerfeld for Volkswagen and the Gucci Guilty ad directed by Frank Miller.

And now it's Kate Moss for Balmain.

Frankly, this is one of the most boring things I've ever seen. Granted, the MTV-aesthetics graphic animation is quite nice, but that's it. Plus, if you're willing to fork out the cash and book Kate Moss, you shouldn't screw it all up by failing to show her face, the most powerful fashion sales tool of our age and probably the main reason you booked her in the first place. Big mistake.


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