Saturday night at Plissken Festival, Athens and These New Puritans are on stage. Hold on a minute, isn't this...?
Well drummers are not famous for sitting still, but if only he could, and a ray of light please...
Oh, whatever, it's not gonna happen. Here's the best I came up with:
These New Puritans' drummer George Barnett. Drummer/ Model George Burnett. Lanvin, Dior, Prada, loads more. That one.
Above at Lanvin A/W 08 - centre, below - left, with twin brother and lead singer of the band, Jack Barnett, for Vogue Homme Japan.
For real overall visual from Plissken, check out this post by StopThatSound.
Or this one by Life in Athens.
Or this one by OrdinaryStylePulse (girl's lens was on fire, spot me among her wicked shots).
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