Fashion bazaar, in Athens, now!

A new fashion bazaar hits town this weekend and I had the pleasure of visiting it a day early in order to take pics and report everything back to you!

So, what did I learn?

Happy news #1
It takes place here (google maps have saved my ass a million times before) so it's easy access even to people who don't own a car. You can easily reach it by metro, either from Keramikos or Thision station.

Happy news #2
It includes menswear and kids stuff as well as womenswear, so it is a great opportunity for gilt-free gift buying for our favourite people, other than ourselves.

Happy news #3
Most of the stuff I saw, for the limited time I was there, were by PEPE JEANS, NOLITA, MISS SIXTY and MELISSA, but according to the poster, there are numerous other brands to discover.

And happy news #4, especially dedicated to jeans lovers:

There were lots of jeans.

Like, tons of them!

Seriously, if you're looking for denim on a serious discount, this bazaar is for you.

The bazaar officially starts today, Saturday November 13th. I have no clue for how long it will go on, so hurry up!

Opening hours are Monday to Friday 10:00 to 20:00 and Saturday 10:00 to 18:00, but here's a little something I overheard while being there:

It's gonna be open this Sunday too! What better opportunity for shopping for people who work Saturdays too, right?

So, what did I get?
Excuse the dirty mirror, it's THEIR dirty mirror not mine!

This NOLITA tail jacket, originally 239€ now down to 83€. A bargain or what? Oh and yes, the rest of the outfit is actually my own outfit for the day. The checkered button-down shirt was stolen from my mum's closet last Spring (I think it's old enough to be considered vintage) and the pants are my new favourite black dressy pants from ZARA. Too bad I left my shoes out of the picture!

Like I said, this bazaar is perfect for early gift buying (the holiday season is upon us, you guys and you can never be too prepared) so I got an extra little something that shall remain secret until my sister receives it by mail. You can guess all you want Effie, I'm not telling!


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