4fashionshake II / Schmidttakahashi

To be honest I hadn't heard of Schmidttakahashi before I read about them at Ozon's 4fashionshake II program... So I wasn't expecting something radical when I sat and the the video of the designer started. Well, this show was one of the most influential shows I've ever seen, not because of the construction of the clothes, the shapes or the fabrics but because of the the philosophy behind this brand!

The last "sort-of" diagram explains the way the designers work. Instead of creating brand new garments they used old-vintage ones that they combined in order to create something completely different and modern. "For instance the coupling of a classical trench coat and a down jacket resulted in outerwear of completely novel form. The silk shirt was transformed into a summer dress with an addition of the knitted belt, formerly part of a sweater."

This brand is eco 100% and as they continue saying at their site "According to our understanding of sustainability, it’s not just about raw material by itself, but also how we treat the raw material. Tropical woods have been in danger for a long time, but we don’t argue against using them to make musical instruments. These use are considered reasonable and economical as the final products would last for hundreds of years. We see materials such as silk in a same way like this tropical wood. If we use them respectfully to enhance the quality so that the products last longer, it will save energy and waste less in a long run."

Impressed! Learn more about Schmidttakahashi here

p.s. more from 4fashionshake II event tomorrow!


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