Corsets of course where there once again! THEIA without corsets would mean that something bad had happened in their long relationship! The show started with a small video, snowflakes and lace, women in front of their SINGER machines, and an old but yet so familiar feeling.... The clothes were more of costumes. Girls with pearls in their hair walked and posed like only a Disney princess would do with their dresses made of lace, velvet and tulle.
And now, you are possibly thinking what I was thinking during the show..."Would I dare to wear them?" I always ask myself that question after a catwalk show and after this in particular I was more purplexed than usual... I had to edit the photos and see them one after the other in this post, to decide! And while at the beginning my answer would be more of a "no" I then remembered all those girls that came yesterday at the show wearing their THEIA handmade corsets with their parka coat and jeans! And I remembered the obvious! You have to wear your clothes and not the opposite! So yes.. I would wear a dolly-fairytale THEIA dress but I would dare to wear my leather jacket on top! Mix'n'match was always my thing after all!
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