(Paella on-the-run is the new black)
Being broke is the new black.
Saturday-nights-stay-in is the new black.
Having a flatmate named mom is the new black.
Analogue is the new black.
Wearing different socks is the new black.
Underemployment is the new black.
Not shampooing is the new black.
Shoplifting is the new black.
Hand-sanitizer is the new black.
140 characters or less is the new black.
Overqualified is the new black.
D.I.Y. is the new black.
Upcycling is the new black.
Three for a fiver is the new black.
Misspelling is the new balck.
Spreading fivers instead of flyers is the new black.
Late 20s teenage drama is the new black.
Forgetting to forget is the new black.
Working as an adultery facilitator is the new black.
Getting side-tracked is the new black.
Organic oatcakes is the new black.
Selling your hair is the new black.
Getting snatched is the new black.
Camel from-top-to-toe is the new black.
Tap water is the new black.
Getting fired is the new black.
Multitasking is the new black.
Sharing your bed, glass, ...body liquids is the new black.
Miscellaneous is the new black.
Spending a year in India is the new black.
Not having a clue what the new black is ...is the new black.
Have a wicked week!
Halloween on its way - we so excited
Clem-Mel x
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