My moo cards are here!

Moo was such an easy service to use to design and print my cards online, I totally recommend it. I got mini cards both for the blog and to use as an architect and two mini card holders, one in hot pink and one in white. They can be attached to my keyring, so I will always have some cards on me. And isn't the packaging amazing? The feel-good factor is such a plus!
For a better look, here are the actual pics and text I used:

fashionarchitect.net_moo_cards copy
I used two pics from my outfit posts and two pics from my shoe posts, each one representing one colour: blue shoes, yellow jumper, black shoes with red tights and green stripy jumper.

Do you remember them? Oh well, it's been a long time, so I'll just help you out. Click on the images below to go to the original posts!


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