Today in Athens

Hello and happy Monday nine-to-fivers and everybody else. There's a couple of important, beyond fashion things starting today, in Athens (one's ending tomorrow mind you) so here they go:
1. Fashion Targets Breast Cancer Hellas will be at Syntagma Metro Station, ready to inform you about the prevention of breast cancer and provide free checks. Regular checks could save lives so if in Athens do stop by and see how it's done. Also, press conference at 13:00 - same location. Stay informed / support FTBC here.
2. Medecines Sans Frontiers or Doctors Without Borders are marking 20 years of humanitarian action with a photography exhibition at Taf, The Art Foundation (Normanou 5, Monastiraki). Eight photographers will be exhibiting captions from the organization's work in countries including Irak, Ethiopia and Yemen, there will be video projections, archive material and as well as music: Gagjo Dilo Gypsy Swing Live (13/9, 21.30) and Just Brass Quintet (19/9, 21.30). Stay informed / support MSF here.


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