Δεν ξέρω αν τα βγάζουν από το μυαλό τους, αλλά κι έτσι να είναι, συγχαρητήρια! Το Star (το περιοδικό, όχι το κανάλι) ισχυρίζεται ότι έκανε πρώην εργαζόμενους διασήμων να μιλήσουν. Το αγαπημένο μου είναι του Τραβόλτα. Γιατί δεν έχουμε τέτοια περιοδικά στην Ελλάδα? Γιατί? Μετά μου λέτε "γιατί δεν ασχολούμαι με Έλληνες *σελέμπριτις*"
*Kourtney Kardasian makes her assistant ride in the trunk of her Range Rover when the car is full. She believes in a lot of old wives tales, like if you walk over a baby, it won’t grow, so she freaks out when Mason is on the floor.
*Khloe Kardashian sends her assistants to buy sex toys. Britney Spears talks in a baby voice all the time and throws lots of temper tantrums.
*Mariah Carey has taken to lying on the couch, having her assistant feed her pizza or ice cream, like she’s a toddler.
*Miley Cyrus is a flasher; she thinks it’s hilarious to greet first-time guests at the door and shock them by showing some skin.
*John Travolta has 102 hairpieces in different lengths, colors and sizes, in case he gains or loses weight. They have their own refrigerated room in his house. A source says: “He likes to visit and pet them once in a while. They’re his little treasures.”
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