Uncle Glyn and The Teapot Lady

[...] but it meant that I was not at all sure how to proceed this morning, at first, so I ended up taking what some people (like Doug, for instance) might have regarded as the safest route, I went downstairs and made a cup of tea and took it up to her,
yes, tea!, I'm sure Uncle Glyn would have something to say about that, the multiplicity of the uses which the English have found for the humble cup of tea, how many emotions we manage to hide behind it,
how many subterfuges we manage to disguise with it, and I suppose tea is a legacy of colonialism as well so I suppose he would really have had a field day with that one, I'm sure, but who cares,
who cares what Uncle Glyn might have said, I was not thinking about him, as I carried our two mugs up the creaking stairs, it's the eleventh, the eleventh one that creaks most loudly [...]
From Jonathan Coe's, The Rotters' Club, 2001

The Teapot Lady is Victoria Graham, whose magic craftwork is one of London Plinth's favourite finds. And now one of ours. Read more and purchase from Culture Label.

Teatime :)
Clem x


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