A few months ago, I popped down to the kiosk in order to get my print fashion fix. Included in one of the fash mags was - as it is often accustomed for Greek glossies these days - a miniature perfume sample, more specifically Le Dix by Balenciaga.

Here's a nice review of it I found online.
I opened it immediately, as I wanted to feel the bottle without the ugly plastic around it. It was a beautiful, classic perfume bottle that brought in mind an ancient Greek marble column.

But classic-era Greek architecture wasn't the only thing it reminded me of.
I looked in my boxes of miscellaneous stuff and found it:

It was one of the things I had discovered while doing one of my favourite pastimes, searching through my grandma's closet for treasures.

I really have no idea how old that vintage Balenciaga perfume bottle is. Presumably it's from the 50's or 60's, when my grandfather traveled around Europe for business and brought back nice presents for the family.

I don't even know if it's the same perfume, as the original box doesn't have anything else written on it other than the words Balenciaga Paris.

And the same goes for the actual bottle. But I kinda enjoy the mystery and just keep wondering...

According to this review and the picture that accompanies it, my bottle is most probably Le Dix, but missing the black paper label due to age. I find it amazing there are so many people out there with so much knowledge on vintage perfumes.
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