Laternative is

Fashion bloggers are fashion perfect.
Oh really?
Latenative boys- Stavros Dioskouridis & Panagiotis Menegos - wanted to see for themselves. Don't know if we managed to persuade them there's no such thing as fashion perfect, but we had a perfect two hours trying to. I've had a question (or six) for them too:
1. What makes laternative so different?
We are going to answer the same way our programme’s guests usually do (directors, bands, writers, artists of every nature). “We wouldn’t want to put a label on what we do”…but, if you insist, we are a muzine that deals with everything people of our age do. Music, movies, sex, football, internet, politics, technology, tv series, city life, etc. Obviously one can listen to it whether they are 13 or 73… or even a blogger…

2. How come you decided to have a show about fashion blogging?
We have some fashion blogging friends, there’s a lot of buzz about it lately and of course we want in and we always like the idea of being locked in a studio with three girls and a sound engineer.

3. Do you dress according to the music you listen to?
We believe in the ‘I speak through my clothes’ concept, music and its mythology is a very important part of our lives, so yes we are influenced by that. Both consciously and subconsciously. It’s just that in the post-modern mixer, you can be the Fred Perry indie boy one day and then wear adidas originals and sport street attitude the next. And don’t get me started on vintage. So its great to get across the message you mean to, it’s just that we can’t be bothered to dedicate too much time to it…

4. Music blogs existed long before fashion blogs. Were they welcomed? Would you say they influenced the Greek music scene in any way?
What do you mean by “welcomed”? If you are referring to the record labels, as far as Greece is concerned, their civil servants are most likely ignoring them. Of course they are influential because they are additional channels of information, specialized in most cases and without the restrains of print press. On the other hand, anonymity always feeds complexes and unmet passions…

5. What’s the role of blogs according to you? Why you read the ones you do and how did yours come up?
We made ours because we needed something to support our radio show online. But we are not frequent writers which makes us bad bloggers. We read and appreciate many blogs and overall it’s like we said in the previous question. More unfiltered information, new writing styles, often inconceivable passion for research and of course loads of bitching by people who do not have the guts to sign with their name or do not have the opportunity to say what they’ve got to say in traditional media. Perfect!

6. Which songs would you choose to play if my post was a radio show?
OF MONTREAL – Suffer For Fashion/ DIMITRI FROM PARIS – A Very Stylish Girl/ PET SHOP BOYS – Opportunities (Let’s Make Lots Of Money)/ FRANZ FERDINAND – No You Girls/ BLACK KIDS – I’m Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You/ ROXETTE – The Look

Listen to Laternative Mon-Fri,
between 22:00-00:00,
on Skai 100.3

Laternative blog


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