How about a handbag that's introducing itself to you?

We are Fig Maxi and Fig Midi..
We are the surprise of the ippolito summer collection and yes, we do thing highly of ourselves!We come in two sizes: 36cm tall and 46cm wide and for the ladies that want to carry less 29cm tall and 35cm wide.
We come in: Green Canvas-Grey leather, Blue Canvas-Grey Leather, Beige Canvas- Watermelon Red Leather.
p.s There's only one in each size in Black and White stripes and Grey Leather. Unique.....

.. 10,5cm tall x 20.5cm wide.
I am so easy going. You can carry me like a clutch, around your wrist with a leather stripe or over your shoulder with a chain.
I come in most colors!

I am Dalo Maxi, your shopping bag (and more). I am big (36cm x45cm) and polymorphic. You can carry me from the ropes or not, and see there in the middle of my body? inside those ropes you can fit your newspaper or magazine or book....
I am super limited.. there's only four of me! Two in blue canvas-grey leather, one in yellow canvas-beige leather, and one in beige canvas and watermelon red leather.
Next to me is my sista Dalo baby, she is very shy... She comes in most of the colors because you ladies really love her! Last time I measured her she was 20cm tall and 30cm wide.

We ippolito summer bags, all look so beautiful inside and outside! We also come in cloth sockets for you to protect us when you do not carry us!
For more introductions, click here or check out Ippolito's blog.
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