Stop Fake Campaign

If you're a loyal BoF reader, this is already old news for you! And that's exactly the reason why I'm not writing this post in order to inform you, but in order to tell you my thoughts!

Christian Louboutin recently launched a new site against counterfeiters, and its main reason is already described in the site's address! The new site-campaign is not only a message to the you's and me's around the world, it's not even a message to all those girls who use red color in order to paint the sole of their shoes the "Louboutin-like"way (don't give me that look, we both know that they exist!), it's actually a rather aggressive way to stop the selling of the fake stilettos around the world.

The campaign is accompanied by this video that may break your heart (oooh my gooood all those shoes are gooone) but if you actually sit down and think about it, all these shoes are fake, are not the real thing and maybe the result may seem the same, but only if you have a real pair of Loubies you'll know the real difference between those two pairs! This campaign actually takes it a step further by naming and shaming some fake Louboutin websites and lawsuits and raids are also clearly mentioned.

It's actually the first time that I see a well-known brand taking action against fakes in this way and that's what amazes me! I also read about what Louis Vuitton did some years ago and maybe the Murakami case pointed out the problem in a funnier way back then, but I think that right now, more severe ways of actions need to be taken and that's why I was so amazed by the new Christian Louboutin site.

...And may I add a last thing...what's the point of buying fakes anyway? They are surely the easy way to "show around" that cool and trendy bag, but doesn't it feel better to actually know that you worked hard months and months in order to reward yourself later, with that mesmerizing bag of yours?

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