Forest for the trees

Oh, puhrrrlease.
Some Greek glossy's editorial this month is naive if not infuriating.

It describes a Greek fashion blogger's project, the Not Shop Project, which is all about 365 days without shopping. This blogger, woke up one morning and realised she has too many clothes. So many, in fact she could go for a year without shopping and still have enough clothes to wear something different each day. The editorial goes on to say this is some sort of repression, totally unnecessary in financially difficult times like this and that this could potentially harm the local market.

Seriously? For years magazines have been bombarding us with luxury products, some people are working double shifts to pay off their maxed out credit cards, we have been brainwashed to buy quantity rather than quality and you write editorials because one dared to escape? She said she has enough clothes to wear something different every day, hello!? She's done her share of supporting this market for the next 2 years. Leave her alone.

Discrediting her shopping diet won't bring back your fat advertising budgets. And you know who created this monster? You. All these years you never bothered to substantially support local fashion. It all had to be so Milan/London/Paris, it all had to be "Kate Moss". So now what? Let's say how repressed this blogger is. This blogger who felt was a victim of media imposed consumerism. How dare she attempt to escape...

How about dedicating your next editorial to giving balanced shopping tips instead of telling us how repressed we are? And what was that all about telling your readers who travel abroad to refrain from shopping there and go for the Greek importers back home? One will be outside the 'X' french brand store in Paris but will buy the 'X' french brand in Athens? Shopping is no charity as you know. Maybe you should suggest we buy some Greek brands instead?

I'm afraid you can't see the forest for the trees.


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