A pair of boots and 30 vintage treasures

I don't know what hit me all of a sudden, but being back here in my family house for the Easter holidays, I spontaneously decided to go up in the attic and look for my old DrMartens.

I found them and all the memories came flooding back: I originally got them on a family trip abroad in 1996, during the whole grunge era. I'll save you the math, I was 13 at that point and too much of a chicken to break them in properly. As some of you may already know, Docs are notoriously hard to break in. They *will* break your attitude first, not to mention your feet. That and the fact that shortly after I left my grunge days behind in favor of hip hop (kids that days) was the reason my boots never got the wear they deserved. They've been sitting inside a cardboard box all these years and it's been bugging me ever since.

So, I did find what I was looking for in the attic.
Along with all of these:
Vintage(?) 70's, 80's and early 90's clothing, my mum's and mine.

It would probably take several days to wash, iron and properly photograph them all. I really don't have the time to do so before I leave, so I decided to just make a big stack to document them for the blog.

Here's the description of each garment, top to bottom:

1. Dove grey kid's sweater by Benetton
2. Floral flannel leggings
3. My mom's early 80's white-with-black-grid bikini
4. Floral nightgown
5. Khaki A-line skirt
6. Early 80's white Levi's t-shirt
7. Pink disco era strappy dress
8. Light blue button-down shirt
9. Black polka dot high-waist carrot pants
10. Light brown 70's dress with matching belt
11. Cobalt blue strappy dress with gold buttons
12. 70's print A-line cotton skirt
13. Mocha brown polka dot A-line skirt with matching top
14. Navy blue carrot pants
15. Bright pink knit sweater with white lacy collar
16. Grid-print white button-down shirt
17. Navy blue and white Levi's strippy t-shirt
18. Orange and brown print A-line skirt
19. Khaki green carrot pants
20. Cobalt blue wool A-line skirt
21. Red gingham button-down shirt
22. Camel angora sweater
23. Black and white gingham button-down shirt
24. Black disco one-piece with huge shoulder pads
25. Brown, green and purple A-line skirt
26. Grey wool knit leggings
27. Red polka dot frilly dress
28. Navy blue A-line skirt
29. Cream A-line shirt dress
30. Geometrical multi-colour wool sweater

Phew, that was a lot. I've already tried on most of them and I have a feeling many of them will become regular staples. Who knows, I may even start wearing my DrMartens again!

As Wendy Brandes would have said, it's like growing your own vintage. Quite handy, especially in a country like Greece, where - like I said before - vintage or plain second-hand shops are scarce.

Feels like shopping without spending a dime!

But still, I refuse to call my Dr Martens vintage. I may have bought them 13 years ago - and some people are actually claiming that the 1990's are vintage - but NO. That would just make me feel old.


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