
'Endyesthai' - greek for 'to dress' - is an exhibition by the Peloponnesian Folklore Foundation currently hosted at Benaki Museum, Athens (Pireos str. branch). I told you it was coming up back in October, but now you can actually visit it as its doors will stay open until May 23rd.

A presentation of this nature and variety takes place for the first time in Greece, with exhibits ranging to clothes from the 18th century till the 21st. Not only do they reflect the evolution of what we wear throught the centuries but also stresses out the need for the establishment of a Dress Cultural Museum. And yes, how we choose to dress reflects our culture in many ways.

Excellent touch, the guided tours performed by reknown designers, ready to take you though all exhibited forms of wearable and... not wearable exhibits which were created by the need to cover our nudity. For the scedule you can check this post by Shopping Therapy.

All images are courtesy of pli.gr

No true fashion lover in this city (country) should miss out.

*You don't need to request invites or a press pass to get in. However nobody promises you celebrity encounters or that your photo will be snapped by a magazine. Let's see how many fashion sweethearts will queue outside this one, here's your chance.


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