Berlin trip condensed

We flew into Berlin through München with Lufthansa.
However the layover in München was so quick, our luggage lost its way and decided to stay there. Good thing Lufthansa is well-known for always tracking down luggage. We had our precious stuff delivered directly to the hotel later that day.

Speaking of that, the hotel was really nice and very close to a metro station, but if I wished to use their wifi I would have to pay 16 euros per day. Say what?
Big FAIL, thank goodness for Starbucks and free wifi!

First thing we did was pay a visit to the Fernsehturm in Alexanderplatz. That's the TV tower in the main square of the city. The photo above is from inside the elevator, and the number shown is meters above ground.

You can imagine the view and if you can't:

Other sightseeing included:

A boat trip down the river Spree.

A visit to the very baroque Charlottenburg, the palace of queen Sophia-Charlotte.

Very, very baroque.

That's her above.

I think she must have had an obsession with Versailles.

Visiting the Aquarium which is part of the very famous Zoologischer Garten Berlin and home to some really nasty-looking sharks.

And a Sunday excursion to the near-by city of Potsdam, walking by the picturesque lake and visiting the Sanssouci palace.

It's customary to pay your respects to Friedrich der Große by leaving a potato on his grave, as was the one who introduced the potato in Germany in the 19th century. I did it, although I much believe he would have preferred flowers. Oh well.

That's all a part of the traditional sight-seeing you can do in Berlin. More pics will follow with things I saw that were more of my taste and of course, shopping!


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