Save the Octopus DElight-DElight

(continued from previous post) What's the sticker all about? Well sticker protesting, moments before DElight's show. Who's the octopus? His brief existence started off last season backstage at DElight. Apart from providing stress relief to the designers inflating it before their s/s 10 show, it was also meant to add a happy note to the enormous flood outside the shows' hall. (click on image below for Lopi's personal record on the case)
So yellow-fellow was pumped and ready, featuring his pedigree on and all (DElight), and was released on to Technopolis waters. Moments later, Technopolis staff captured it and locked it up in some warehouse. We never saw it again. (mind you, the embarissing part that should disappear from the picture, was clearly not the octopus - exhibit A, below)
The other night, and with DElight's show returning yet for another season, close friend of the duo and octopus welfare activist, K.Dagritzikos organised a sticker protest in remembrance of the DElight-DElight octopus than remains in captivity.
Embracing the protest amongst hundreds of others:
Thalia and Lopi,
MTV's Thodoris Kanellopoulos,
Yes it Does, Sure it Does - Aris, Vaggelis (Aris to me, Vaggelis to everybody else)
High-on-DElight, Global Hipster's Mr L.,
Fashion insider Gourgourini, designer Dimitris Petrou and Global Hipster's Miss T.

Speaking of Global Hipster, see their full report on the matter, here. (Miss T.'s restless & of notable quality camera phone has even captured me, protesting the Rox way - oh, I'm easy to spot)


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