Headlines of what went on today

12:00 - Arriving early at Technopolis, Gazi in my new shoes.
13:00 - The press conference for Fashion Week Athens reveals its hidden cards.
15:00 - Visit designer Barbarigos' atelier between Syntagma and Psurri, check out what's new.
16:00 - Whilst there, meet jewellery designer Angelica Komis who's just returned from showing in Munich.
19:00 - Back to Gazi, straight to Intrepid Fox for Holy Mustache's Vintage bazaar. (read about it here)
20:00 - Waiting for a friend who never arrives, start testing my new knitting needles.
22:00 - Knackered. Arrive at home. Want to tell you all about what went on but it's just too much and I'm just too tired. Posting headlines and promise to elaborate soon.

*next up, exclusive images from Celebrity Skin's preparation for their AXDW show. Less than a week to go...


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