"Hi [so&so],
This is Remy Renzullo, requesting an invitation for Alexandre Herchcovitch's Fall/Winter 2010 show. I work as a freelance stylist, currently working with the future first lady, Deborah Shumlin, of Vermont for the campaign trail and hopefully elected office. More information can be found here: http://www.shumlinforgovernor.com. In addition I have been signed on to contribute to a new fashion magazine, FUTURE. I would love to have seats or standing if available for myself and Rebecca Shumlin, the magazine's editor-in-chief and daughter of the future governor and, myself. Please let me know if this will be possible.
Thanks so much for your time,
Remy Renzullo"
Apparently, the show crashers had done it all before, back in September, obviously without getting caught. Despite being detected and "named", they are not at all "shamed" as there are hundreds of posts circulating the web right now saying "Remy/ Becca be my friend". (Don't know what this means for Beccas dad though)
*Not sure who brought it up first, this story is everywhere. I read it here. And here. Oh, and here.
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