No 2 Happiness: Trips
I absolutely love traveling! The past three years I traveled like crazy and I think that this need of mine will never go away (well maybe it will when I visit each and every corner of the world)! Traveling makes me smile like crazy! From the moment I book the tickets and the hostel, I start dreaming about my destination!
I am an only child and for me my friends are my family! That's why I get happy with things that maybe others would think that are silly! Things like going for a long walk with a friend or even the simplest thing that exists: Waking up and seeing someone beside me!
I suspect that you have already realised that! I am the happiest person alive when a friend brings me a book as a gift, when it's Thursday and on my way to work I find LiFO or Athens Voice and when my boss brings to the office Vogue UK or AnOther magazine!
such as...the smell of the coffee, the neighbour who plays the piano every Sunday, a graffiti, the first ice-cream of summer, bicycles in Athens, Swing Lessons and the list goes on forever!
I'm a Summer person! I hate winter, I hate rain and I count the days for the summer holidays! I love the fact that the darkness falls after nine o'clock and the feeling of the midday naps!
I always remember myself with paints and color pencils in hand! Unfortunately the last years I don't design as much as I used to, but I found a new way of handling my creativity! Sewing! I love creating new things and I find it amazing to be able to wear my own things!
Call me an idiot but Starbucks makes me happy! I love Tazo Chai Tea Latte and I think that I can't live without it! When I did Erasmus in Milano, the two only things that I missed from my weekly routine were LiFo and Starbucks! LiFo thank god existed online but Starbucks no! That's why the first thing I did when I went to Barcelona and Paris was to visit a Starbucks straight away!
I love going to the cinema! I'm happy just to be there! The smell of the pop corn and the fact that a bunch of people are all gathered up to watch the same thing makes me smile! What I love the most about Greece are the open-cinemas during summer that play old classic movies! Last summer I saw movies with Marylin Monroe and Audrey Hepburn with the open night sky above me! Perfection!
And No10: You
Yes you! This blog will be One Year Old in a couple of days and I smile each and every day that I open my page and read all your lovely comments!
I tag Jo and Christiana as the next ones to do this list!
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